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Stanton to Newsom: California 'failing to do its part' to avert megadrought 'catastrophe'

The letter comes after California reportedly rejected a proposal from Arizona and Nevada that would meet a Bureau of Reclamation advisory water cut.

WASHINGTON, D.C., USA — Arizona and Nevada are gearing up for massive Colorado River cuts as Lake Mead water levels continue to drop to historic levels.

California, however, won't be facing any cuts, even though it is by far the largest user of Colorado River water.

The contradiction has fueled outrage among many, apparently including Arizona Congressman Greg Staton. Amid another unpreceded Bureau of Reclamation cut coming soon, the House of Representatives member sent California Gov. Gavin Newsom a letter urging the state to do more.

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"I am deeply concerned that California is failing to do its part to avert [the climate disaster] catastrophe," the letter said. "The state's Colorado River hydrologic region water use hasn't gone down - but actually increased nearly 41% in April 2022 compared to April 2020."

Data from the bureau back up Stanton's numbers. Data also show that California is projected to use 103% of its total river water allocation this year, compared to Arizona's 75% water usage and Nevada's 82% usage.

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Newsom released a plan on Aug. 11 detailing numerous ways California will conserve water in the future for its own use, but did not mention any plans to organize or cooperate with other lower basin states. The plan, instead, focused on updating water storage, recycling wastewater and pursuing desalination technology.

Newsom has not responded publicly to Stanton's letter at the time of publishing this article.

Arizona Congresswoman Debbie Lesko has also penned a letter to the U.S. Department of Interior, encouraging the agency to facilitate negotiations between the Colorado River Basin states on water usage. 

"It is now time for California and some of the other basin states to step up to the plate," Lesko's letter stated. "Arizona cannot continue to shoulder the brunt of water reductions."


Read the entire letter on Stanton's Twitter page here:

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