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'He was a proud American': Family remembers motorcyclist killed in Valley crash as veteran who would help anyone in need

Family identifies the man as Michael Pabst.

SURPRISE, Ariz. — Of all the ways to describe Michael Pabst, proud does it best.

"He was a proud American. He was a proud retired (veteran). He was a proud Packers fan," Lani Pabst, Michael Pabst's wife, said.

The Pabst family is remembering their loving husband, father and grandfather after he was killed in a tragic car accident on Friday.

"He put everybody, everybody, not even just family, everybody above himself," Courtney French, Michael Pabst's daughter, said. "He would be willing to give the shirt off his back to a stranger. My dad, like, is willing to do anything and everything for anybody."

Second to his family, Michael Pabst loved his Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

When the bike and Pabst didn't return home last Friday, his family knew something was wrong.

"He takes the same route every day, every day. He'll call my mom and say 'hey I'm on my way home'," French said.

The no-show and no-call led French to Facebook where she learned a crash involving a motorcyclist happened nearby.

French's gut feeling led her straight to the scene near Luke Airforce Base.

"I was like 'I think that's my dad. I think that's my dad. I need to know if that's my dad'," French said.

Her worst fear came true.

Glendale police said Michael Pabst swerved to avoid a crash with another car when he was hit by a school bus.

He died instantly.

"We want to know if he knew going out of this world we loved him. Even though we do, but the reassurance of when he went out," French said.

The Pabst family is now leaning on strangers in a city their father loved.

Community members created fundraisers to help the family through this difficult time.

"The amount of support that we've gotten from the community is unbearable, it is unbelievable," French said.

The family is now stressing the importance of telling people you love them because you never know when it could be the last time.

"Wear your helmet. Wear your safety gear, even though it doesn't look cool," Lani Pabst said.

"For drivers to watch out for riders. Be courteous. Give them the distance that they need," Mickey Pabst, Michael Pabst's son, said.

Anyone who wishes to donate to the family's GoFundMe page can click here.

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