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Arizona adults who haven't graduated high school can get their diplomas for free. Here's how.

11% of Arizonan adults didn't graduate high school, and this group is trying to fix that.

PHOENIX — High school isn't the universal experience in Arizona. 

Roughly 11% of adults in the state haven't graduated, according to the Arizona Department of Education. And as the pressures of life stack up, getting that diploma can become harder and harder.

One group is trying to fix that.

Online, at your own pace and free; those are the three main characteristics touted by the online Excel Adult High School program.

VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL: Programa ofrece diploma de preparatoria para adultos de Arizona sin costo

“It's built for adults, there's coaching, there's academic coaches,” Diana Doetzel a program spokesperson said. “People can do it at midnight. They can do it at 5 a.m. They can do it any time they want.”

Excel Adult High School came to Arizona in April 2024 through the Workforce Diploma Program. The only requirements to enroll are being over 21-years-old, living in Arizona, and not having a high school diploma.

“I thought at first this is too good to be true,” said Casa Grande resident Dean Cassidy.

Cassidy is the first of eight in-state graduates in the program. As of now, 75 Arizonans are currently enrolled, and over 200 are in the prerequisite courses. Cassidy graduated from a charter school when he was younger, but with the school being resold multiple times the DOE didn't have records of him graduating.

“Over the years it started eating at me,” Cassidy said. “They keep saying they can't verify that. I get a hold of the department of education and they're like, 'we don't have any record of you graduating from that school', Cassidy added. “Even though I’ve taken college courses at the University of Phoenix. I got a diploma from them. They were like, ‘nope’; you don’t have a high school diploma.”

Cassidy went on Google and found Excel Adult High School. Two days later he was enrolled. One month later he completed the 21.5 credits and graduated with his nationally accredited diploma.

“It really works to bring those people back into an educational experience that works for them,” Doetzel said.

There are over 650,000 Arizonan adults who don’t have a high school diploma which costs taxpayer dollars over time.

“A high school dropout costs taxpayers like $575,000 over their lifetime. So, it's economically great for the state,” Doetzel said. “Those who don't graduate will have considerably lower income than people who do have a high school diploma. Additionally, I think an estimated 94% of jobs by 2031 will require a high school diploma.”

The free program is funded through the end of June 2025 and takes the average student about seven months to graduate. GED credits are transferrable and with the 24/7 access to classes those enrolled can graduate quickly.

“I was so worried I was going to have to be on a class at this time and that time. I can't really do that when you have a kid at home,” Cassidy said.

People who are interested can enroll on the Excel High School website.

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