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Arizona company unveils new product to help make life in the desert more sustainable

This Arizona-based company launched a new product designed to help make life more sustainable in the Desert Southwest.

PHOENIX — An Arizona-based company is launching a brand-new product that is helping make life more sustainable in the Desert Southwest. This comes just in time, as the Valley's population continues to surge.

It all started three years ago. Frustration from cracking stucco during construction lead to an idea - a way for exterior home coating that doesn't fracture, that's eco-friendly, and costs less.

"The secret ingredient is cork... because cork is one of nature's most sustainable products," Randy Bailey, founding partner of Green Cork Products, said.

Cork is imported from Portugal. Since it does not grow here in the United States, green cork products didn't catch on until about 18 months ago. Now, more valley homes and businesses are built with natural, sustainable materials. 

"The bark is removed from bottom of the tree...and then in nine years that tree regrows that bark...and that bark is initially used for wine stoppers...and the leftover, which used to be thrown away is ground up and we import those granules to put into our product," Bailey said.

Bailey added that the Green cork spray is effective.

"[It] prevents heat from entering into the structure, and therefore reducing the heat load," he said. "Cork has a lot of natural attributes that are perfect for those of us that live in the Valley." 

Those natural attributes are thermal, fire, and sound protection. We need all that living in the desert. 

With affordable upfront costs, more Valley homeowners are going green on the outside. 

"If you're getting ready to repaint your home, you can put this right over the top of your existing paint, or stucco, or whatever structure," Bailey said. 

Green cork spray is a durable, sustainable alternative to cement-based stucco.

As more construction products get on board, it will all help make life more sustainable in the Desert Southwest. For more information about Green Cork Products, visit https://greencorkproducts.com/product/.  

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