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Saguaro cactus blooms: 5 interesting facts

 Wildflowers aren't the only things showing off for admiring hikers.

It's no secret that Arizona is home to some breathtaking wildflower blooms.

During each spring, the desert landscape is lush with beautiful, vibrant flowers for everyone to enjoy.

But the wildflowers aren't the only things showing off for admiring hikers. Did you know the saguaro cacti bloom too?

Between May and June each year, the towering desert plants bloom flowers at the end of their arms, according to the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum.

RELATED: 13 things you might not know about saguaros

Here are some other interesting facts about the saguaro blossoms.

Just for one day

The flowers bloom at night and only survive about 24 hours. During the bloom, they're pollinated by animals such as bats, bees, birds and moths.

Quite an aroma

According to Arizona Game and Fish, the saguaro blossoms emit an odor similar to an overripe melon.

Fruit and flowers

After pollination, the flowers produce a bright-red fruit that is generally ripe by July. The fruit then releases thousands of seeds that germinate about five days after a rain.

The official flower

In 1931, the saguaro cactus blossom was confirmed as the official state flower of Arizona, according to the website, "50 States."

Large cactus, small flower

While the saguaro cactus can grow up to heights of more than 50 feet, the flowers that grow at the end of their arms grow to about 3 inches in diameter.

If you're out on a hike this spring or summer, be sure to take some photos of the saguaro flower blooms and share them with us on our Facebook page or our Twitter feed using #BeOn12.

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