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Warning saying terrorists are buying UPS uniforms is an old hoax

A scary hoax involving UPS, terrorists and explosives is making the email, text and social media rounds again. One of WFMY's reporters got the text from someone she knew who was worried about it.
A text and Facebook post going around about terrorists buying UPS uniforms is a hoax.

A scary hoax involving UPS, terrorists and explosives is making the email, text and social media rounds again. One of 12 News' sister station reporters got the text from someone worried about it.The bogus alert claims to be from Homeland Security, warning about a large purchase of $32,000 worth of UPS uniforms by terrorists from ebay in the last 30 days.

Don't believe it. A quick Google search brings up the phony text and the timelines that dates it back years ago. A variation of it pops up every time there is a terrorist strike... and Americans are on high alert. It just simply resurfaced.

Check out Snopes, Scambusters. The text even duped the LAPD years ago. The LAPD sent out the warning and then had to retract it when they found out it was bogus. Many other outlets confirm this is a hoax.

And take a closer look at the text. There are grammatical errors and misspellings. These are common red flags of schemes and scams.

This is not true. Don't share it.

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