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Scottsdale Police Department names interim chief

Current chief, Alan Rodbell, is set to retire on Nov. 30.
Credit: City of Scottsdale
Jeff Walther (pictured left) in 2018.

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz — The Scottsdale City Manager has named the interim chief for the Scottsdale Police Department following current chief Alan Rodbell's Nov. 30 retirement. 

Jeff Walther, retired assistant chief, will return as a national search and recruitment process is conducted for Rodbell's permanent replacement. 

Walther retired from the Scottsdale Police Department after 24 years. He will now serve as chief for a time period between six and eight months as the department prepares. He will not seek the permanent position. 

City manager, Jim Thompson, said in a statement: 

"Alan Rodbell has served this community with dedication and distinction, and with a new City Council taking their seats in January, we will begin the process to recruit someone who will continue that legacy and lead our outstanding police department. We are fortunate to be able to bring back Jeff Walther, who knows our community and our department, to serve in this interim role.

In cases like this, my preference is to select an interim leader who will not be a candidate for the permanent job. That assures a level playing field for others who want to apply for the job, whether they are internal candidates or people from outside the organization." 

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