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Arizona Congressional District 9: Stanton vs. Ferrara

The former Phoenix mayor and the Navy's former chief medical officer are running for Kyrsten Sinema's seat in CD9.

As Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema runs for a seat on the U.S. Senate, former Phoenix mayor Greg Stanton is running against Republican challenger Dr. Steve Ferrara for her seat in Arizona's Ninth Congressional District.

CD9 covers Tempe, southern Scottsdale, western Mesa, northwestern Chandler, north-central Phoenix near Paradise Valley, southern Phoenix and Ahwatukee. It's home to the Tempe campus of Arizona State University.

Sinema has represented the district since 2013.

Greg Stanton

Greg Stanton served as the mayor of Phoenix for seven years before resigning to run for Sinema's seat.

Stanton said he would have voted "no" on repealing the Affordable Care Act. He also said he supports reducing the cost of prescription drugs by allowing the federal government to negotiate prices and allowing for the re-importation of pharmaceuticals. Stanton said ACA's cost-sharing subsidies are a key part to keeping healthcare costs down.

Stanton said he does not support Trump's proposed border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. He said bipartisan solutions are needed to fix a broken immigration system, and that he would like to see a plan that involves border security technology, an earned path to citizenship and a "clean" DREAM Act.

When asked his position on Roe v. Wade, Stanton said he would not overturn it, and that the ruling should stand as it is.

On climate change, Stanton said it is human-caused, and that he has, as Phoenix mayor, supported raising water rates to build a stronger infrastructure to manage the city's water resources.

Stanton has received support from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who headlined a private fundraiser for Stanton in Phoenix in August. When asked if he would support Pelosi remaining in the House leadership, Stanton said he would make that decision when the time comes.

Steve Ferrara

Dr. Steve Ferrara is a radiologist and the Navy's former chief medical officer.

On healthcare, Ferrara said he favors letting each state control its own Medicaid budget instead of the current federal approach. He also said there should be high-risk pool plan for those with pre-existing conditions.

Ferrara said he has never supported Trump's border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. However, he said he is in favor of a physical barrier where it makes sense, electronic surveillance and boots on the ground to shore up border security.

Ferrara also said he does not support separating children from their families and that he would approve of a path to citizenship for DACA recipients.

When asked whether he would overturn Roe v. Wade, Ferrara said the case is "settled law," and that abortion rights should be decided by the states.

Ferrara said he believes there is a human element to climate change and that Arizona will need the infrastructure to be resilient. He also said there needs to be developments in affordable energy.

During the 2016 presidential election, Democrat Hillary Clinton won CD 9 over Republican Donald Trump by 16 points. Ferrara has said he supports Trump's agenda for the economy and supporting the military, but he said he also disagrees with the president on various issues, including separating families at the border, tariffs and trade and Trump's characterization of the press as an "enemy of the people."

MORE: 12 News voter guide

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