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Arizona voters disapprove of Trump performance: new poll

Pollster George Khalaf said President Donald Trump and his plans fared worst with minority groups, young voters, and women.

President Donald Trump enters the second week of his presidency with overall low marks from Arizona voters, according to a new poll released Monday.

The Arizona poll shows 49 percent of registered voters view Trump unfavorably, while 39 percent have a favorable opinion, according to the survey, done Friday and Saturday by Phoenix-based Data Orbital.

Trump won Arizona in November by 3.5 percentage points over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The president’s unfavorability ratings in Arizona mirror national polls.

A new Gallup poll showed Trump's national approval rating was 42 percent, compared to a disapproval rating of 51 percent. Trump achieved his disapproval rating in record time.

The Arizona survey does reveal a sharp partisan divide in opinions on Trump’s performance:

• Republicans favored Trump by a huge margin, 75 percent to 19 percent.
• Democrats viewed him unfavorably, also by a large margin, 80 percent to 3 percent.
• Independents also viewed the president unfavorably, 50 percent to 33 percent.

While the 2018 primaries are 20 months away, the poll suggests GOP Sen. Jeff Flake, who is up for re-election, could be taking a grave political risk in staking out positions against Trump.

The survey didn’t ask respondents about the president’s “extreme vetting” executive order, which was rolled out as the poll was being done.

On the president’s executive order calling for immediate construction of a border wall, 54 percent were opposed and 39 percent were in support.

The idea of a 20 percent tax on Mexico imports to pay for the wall was also shot down, 57 percent to 33 percent.

Seventy percent of Republicans favored the wall and 59 percent backed the tax.

Pollster George Khalaf said Trump and his plans fared worst with minority groups, young voters, and women.

The poll surveyed 500 registered voters in Arizona. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.38 percent.

Data Orbital’s Arizona polling during the presidential election proved accurate. The consulting firm’s final survey showed Trump winning Arizona by 3 points. He won the election by 3.5 points.

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