Ready... set... think!
Mind-controlled race cars are at the Phoenix Convention Center as part of the 2015 International Microwave Symposium (IMS). Companies from around the world exhibit new technology related to microwave theory.
"I saw the cars and I saw people moving it with their minds," said Tiffany Mannion, one of the conference attendees. She visited the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEE) booth which had a 19 foot race track set up. Tiffany put on a headset and got a brief training.
"First you have to focus on nothing," she said, "and then you have to sit there and you have to focus on something really hard. I found this one spot on the table and I constantly stared at it until my car moved."
Not as easy as it looks, Tiffany was unable to get the car across the table. The head sets measure the brain activity when a user is completely focused and it's that activity that races the car.
""For me specifically I think about music or playing something on the piano," said Mickey Young with IEEE. "I visualize it in my head and hear it in my head and that works."
For now, the technology is racing cars, but Young said in the future the possibilities are endless: "turning on lights, opening doors, playing video games, medical advantages all with your mind."
The race track will be open Wednesday, May 20, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Thursday, May 21, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. The exhibit is free to see on Wednesday, but will cost $30 on Thursday.
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