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Halloween is one of the most dangerous times of year for young pedestrians, locals share tips to lower that risk

The Children’s Safety Network confirmed on average more than two times as many child pedestrians die on Halloween compared to other days.

PHOENIX — Halloween is right around the corner and that means Halloween costume planning is wrapping up. Before you head out on the hunt for candy, we want to make sure everyone makes it home safely from trick or treating too.

Halloween, while it’s a lot of fun for all ages, it can also make for a dangerous evening for children if the right precautions are not taken before heading out to trick or treat.

During holiday planning, parents like Jenny Pulliam have other thoughts on their mind.

“The things I’m most worried about are traffic or my son darting out in the road or cars not being able to see us," Pulliam said. When dressing up her children for the holiday, safety is at top of mind.

“We look for costumes that are bright in color, that don’t have masks, that don’t have any flowing material and things where people and cars will see us,” Pulliam said. 

Personal injury lawyer Marc Lamber said Halloween while fun, can be especially dangerous for children. The Children’s Safety Network confirming this, revealing on average more than two times as many child pedestrians die on Halloween compared to other days.

“You go from house to house and you cross streets and you’re also wearing often times, very dark outfits," Lamber said. 

To lower the risk for children, Lamber recommends having a plan and talking about your route with your kids so they’re aware of traffic. As a parent or caregiver, go with children at least 12 and under and focus on their safety on the streets. Finally, think about which costumes will show up at night while they’re trick or treating.

And when ordering costumes online, Lamber shares another tip. 

“You’re ordering the glow sticks, batteries, flashlight, get the things that will allow you, I’m sorry, it's a different holiday, so you’re lit up like a Christmas tree.”

The brighter lights can keep even the trickiest ghosts and goblins to see, more visible. Also remember to be a defensive pedestrian and driver. Think about cars possibly doing the wrong thing and how that can affect the children you’re trick or treating with. The kids will be focused on candy.

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