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Family Housing Hub making impact on family homelessness problem

Social service providers rally behind efforts of Family Housing Hub to end family homelessness.
Family Housing Hub making inroads to end family homelessness in Maricopa County

End family homelessness by the year 2020 -- that was a goal set by the federal government.  

Over the years, social service providers in the greater Phoenix area have worked tirelessly trying to find a way, but achieved only marginal success, until now.

Through a massive collaborative effort, called The Family Housing Hub (FHH), homeless families are getting more resources, more efficiently and with better results than they ever have before.

Over the past year in Maricopa County, research has shown that 60 families a week will slip into the realm of homelessness.  As a result, "all of the shelters, all of the transitional housing, all the rapid rehousing, all the permanent supportive housing, all of the programs are full," Mattie Lord, the Chief Program Officer at UMOM New Day Centers said.

"For a single mom who's trying to navigate a very complicated system, it was a full time job just trying to make sure you weren't going to miss any possible opportunity," Lord emphasized.

Despite social service providers best efforts, families were missing out; and the problem wasn't going away. That all began to change a year ago. Under the leadership of UMOM, the front line of family homelessness became a hub located in central Phoenix. Thirteen different provider agencies banded together to form the Family Housing Hub.  

"At certain times when people come in, they don't know exactly what they need; so they think automatically, 'I need to go to a shelter,'" John McCamman said.

McCamman is one of five full time Service Priority Specialists who work with clients to get a better, overall picture of what a family's needs are. After a thorough assessment, FHH will start building a comprehensive plan so clients can avoid falling through the cracks of homelessness.

"We talk to them about the programs about which they're eligible," Lord said.  

The goal for the Service Priority Specialist is to determine which programs fits best geographically and makes the most sense for the family.    

For Family Housing Hub assistance call 602-595-8700.

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