The Llama Drama llamas will greet fans at Turf Paradise in Phoenix during a special event Saturday. This famous duo broke free from handlers in Sun City and the aftermath was viewed by millions around the world.
Network television broadcasts broke in with helicopter video as residents raced around the town north and west of Phoenix trying to wrangle the black and white llamas.
Now both animals will be guests of the horse racing track as it welcomes camel and ostrich racing to the park.
Saturday from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. those attending the horse, camel and ostrich races can visit with the #DramaLlama llamas.
Admission to Turf Paradise is $2. Anyone under age 16 can get in for free.
Post time for the first horse race is 1:24 p.m. Camel racing begins at 3 p.m. with the ostriches wrapping up the show.