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Rebates, DIY tips, customized energy plans, all available to Arizonans to save on bills as temperatures rage

The most impactful way to save, according to SRP, is with the air conditioner. The utility company said it accounts for 50% of a home's energy use.

PHOENIX — The hottest temperatures yet of 2024 are in the Valley this week. And high temps mean high energy bills as we dial up the air conditioning.

According to SRP, the AC accounts for about half of a home's energy bill, especially during the summer. The good news is that means shifting your AC habits can help you save big time.

To save, keep your thermostat between 78 and 80 degrees this summer. If you’re away from your home, SRP said you can increase a few degrees to 82 to 85. Don't turn off your air conditioning because it will work too hard to cool down your home, when it's turned back on. 

SRP also recommended changing your air filters every 30 days and if you have pets, every three weeks. Inexpensive filters work fine, SRP said. Other ways to save are running fans counterclockwise to push cool air down. And shut them off when no one is in the room.

There are rebates for smart thermostats. And SRP has DIY ways to make your own shade screens on their website. Covering windows with blackout drapes is another inexpensive way to make a big difference and keep the heat out.

Jackie Castrellon, an SRP community relations program manager said they'll even send someone to your home to customize your own energy savings. It can be done virtually or in your home.

"We have an ambassador who can tell you how to save around your home," Castrellon said. "They might recommend led light bulbs. They might talk about your unit, getting maintenance.”

SRP has energy savings plans and there is financial assistance available for Arizonans in need. 

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