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Dreamers react to license ruling

A court's blocking an order denying driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants has left Dreamers overwhelmed.
Dreamers celebrate victory in lawsuit seeking drivers licenses.

In the debate over immigration, there was a big win for those supporting the Dream Act in Arizona today. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blocked Gov. Jan Brewer's executive order denying driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants with work permits.

The decision has left Dreamers overwhelmed.

Carla Chavarria says she hardly ever cries. But this was one of those days.

"I'm finally going to become a member of society," she said.

The 21-year-old graphic designer owns a business and pays taxes. But without a driver's license, she says she's practically a nobody. Her license is now within reach after today's ruling.

"Look, we all love our children," said attorney Daniel Ortega. "This is about children. This is about young people who want the freedom, who want the freedom to follow their ambition, to follow their dreams."

The federal appeals court said Gov. Brewer was acting out of spite toward the so-called DACA recipients, who have work permits through President Obama's deferred-action program.

The governor said in a prepared statement, "a three-judge appellate panel, appointed by Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama, disregarded judicial precedent and procedure. This continues us down a dangerous path in which the courts and the President — not Congress — make our nation's laws."

The governor is deciding whether to appeal, and the Dreamers want her to act.

"Gov. Brewer, you have the power to open up the DMVs for Dreamers in Arizona," said Korina Iribe-Romo, herself a Dreamer in need of a license.

Today's ruling will require the state to accept DACA documents for driver's licenses. It's unclear how soon that might happen.

Tweet @BrahmResnik with your comments on today's ruling.

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