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Why you should buy and eat locally in Arizona

If you want to help the local economy and eat a little healthier here are some tips on how to eat locally in Arizona.

A variety of healthy and top quality produce is being grown right here in Arizona. From apples to watermelon, Arizona farmers are producing food that many consumers believe tastes fresher and may be healthier. This has created a "buy local" trend that has wide-ranging benefits.

The U.S. Congress defined local food in the 2008 Food, Conservation, and Energy Act as an agricultural product that has traveled less than 400 miles from its origin.

Better nutrition and well-being are a couple of major reasons consumers seek out local foods. Much of what is produced by local farmers are fruits and vegetables, which are essential nutrition staples for a well-balanced diet.

Variety is another key factor for those seeking to buy locally. Local produce will only be available when it is in season. Thus, exposing people to different foods and encouraging them to try a vast variety.

A guide to local foods that are in season and when

Locally grown produce tends to be fresher. This has to do with the distance from farm to table. Produce is picked at the peak of its quality and travels for less time, meaning the consumer gets it when it is the most fresh.

Most Arizona farmers harvest their fruits and vegetables by hand. Meaning mechanical farming won't damage the produce, maintaining its quality.

Buying locally is good for those concerned about contributing to the local economy. Not only does a local farm get business, but that same farm will invest their resources in businesses in the area to maintain themselves.

Consuming produce grown in your area is good for the environment, too. Buying local means there is a reduction in packaging, fuel and preservatives used to keep food that has to travel a long distance fresher.

You can buy local foods right at the source by visiting a local farm, or you can peruse farmers' markets and your local grocery store. Look for required "country of origin" labels at grocery stores. This will help you find foods that are the freshest and local.

If you're looking for a specific locally grown food, visit localfresh.info. The website was set up by the University of Arizona's Agricultural and Resource Economics Department as a resource for consumers to search for their favorite locally grown product and be connected to Southwest farmers and ranchers producing that food.

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