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UFO, Photoshop or camera trick? What does this photo over Arizona show?

What is in this photo? A 12 News viewer hoped we could solve this mystery.

What is in this photo? A 12 News viewer hoped we could solve this mystery.

Kyla DeWaide was on a flight on Friday, April 21, 2017, at 8:30 a.m. She snapped this photo on her Nextbit phone.

The flight was between Utah and Arizona.

The photo DeWaide shared with us shows an airplane wing through a window. The photo is shot facing the sun. Near the sun there are three white dots that form a triangle. The middle third of the photo shows three orbs of different sizes, with a white dot on the left half and a yellow dot on the right half. They appear 3-dimensional.

The three dots closest to the sun look similar to other reports of "plane window orbs," via a Google search.

Here are other Google results for "plane window orbs."

She shot the photo toward the sun, which can produce lens flares. 

Here is an example of a lens flare, created by taking a photo with the lens of the camera pointed toward the sun. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Perhaps the lens flare was distorted by the layers of acrylic in the plane window, and any possible polarization on the windows.

What do you think? UFO? Photoshop? Smartphone camera trickery? What do you think this is? Share this story with your friends and let us know your theory on Facebook.

The National UFO Reporting Center takes information on recent sightings, but it looks like the site has only been updated through April 20.

An expert with the National UFO Reporting Center contacted but could not be immediately reached.

PHOTOS: UFOs in Arizona

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