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Arizona family of 4 killed during trip to Mexico

The parents and their two daughters died over the weekend during a trip to Mexico.

TUCSON, Ariz. — A fatal crash near Agua Prieta, Sonora, has taken the lives of a Tucson family over the weekend. 

The crash happened on Saturday at noon. Mexican officials say the family's car was hit by another car, both slamming into a semi-tractor trailer. 

Today, friends and family are mourning the loss of the Jose Brito family.

Counselors spent the day at Utterback Middle School and Holladay Elementary.

Students and staff helping them cope with the loss of Jazmin and Liliana Brito.

Jazmin was an eighth grader at Utterback Middle School but spent K-5 at Holladay Elementary.

Her former principal, Dr. Tonya Strozier, is now the Director of African American Student Services. Her office is at Utterback. 

"I would see her in the hallways and she was always so loving and she always came up to embrace me. I could see the little kindergarten face and just to see how she has matured into this beautiful young woman, it's such a delight to be at Utterback and see all my Holladay students. She's just an incredible person," she said.

Liliana or "Lily" as she was called, was a fifth grader at Holladay Elementary School.

Dr. Strozier just saw her last week.

"I was just at Holladay on Monday for the African American reading. I was reading to her class. That day I read a story and afterwards, she just gave me the best hug ever. To me, you don't take those moments for granted. And giving those students a hug when they need it is so important."

The father, Jose, she told News 4 Tucson, worked at Tucson Medical Center as a physical therapist. She says since she arrived at Holladay in 2015, he was always in his scrubs.

"He was such an incredible supporter anything I ever needed he was always there...just a kind patient loving person."

Utterback Middle School and Holladay Elementary sent out these letters to families. 

There will be a fundraiser scheduled for Thursday at 140 West Teton Street.



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