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Gov. Hobbs signs probate reform laws inspired by Disney family court battles

The law elevates the rights of citizens in guardianship and conservatorship in historic reform for an area of civil law that has long been noted for abuse.

PHOENIX — On Tuesday, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs signed into law SB1291, drastically elevating the rights of citizens in guardianship and conservatorship in historic reform for an area of civil law that has long been noted for abuse.

Governor Hobbs had previously signed SB1038, establishing a Probate Advisory Panel. Both bills passed out of the Legislature with unanimous support in both the House and Senate, which together bring long-needed reform and accountability to probate courts in Arizona.

The grassroots effort was led by Sherry Lund, who was motivated to act after her family endured over a decade of emotionally devastating and extremely costly litigation in two states to prove her stepson, the grandson of Walt Disney, was competent and not in need of a guardian or conservator. Her experiences led her to found 5-14 Protecting Liberty, a grassroots organization dedicated to probate reform.

“The amount of money that was demanded to be paid by our family through the legal action to protect our son’s rightful inheritance was nothing short of extortion. Across our nation the courts, attorneys, and fiduciaries have developed a pattern and practice of abuse that protects their sources of financial gain, pulling it from private citizens and into their pockets. After what happened to our family, I could not sit by and watch as other Americans are abused by the system that was designed to protect them,” said Mrs. Lund.

Both bills were sponsored by Senator John Kavanagh R-Fountain Hills, who stated in public testimony that probate reform is “a very important issue” and spent hours in stakeholder meetings to develop the bill language that would ensure the rights of individuals are not lost unnecessarily in Arizona courts. Rep. Alex Kolodin R-Scottsdale, who sponsored the striker amendment that added stronger protections for Arizona citizens, called SB1291 “a phenomenal bill” and was instrumental in seeing it passed. 

By Arizona law, the bills will become effective 90 days after Sine Die of the Arizona Legislature. Mrs. Lund in expressing her gratitude said, “Immense thanks are due to Sen. John Kavanagh for his efforts at getting both of these bills through the legislature, to Rep. Alex Kolodin for his strong legal language and commitment to the Constitution, and to Governor Katie Hobbs who recognized the need for reform and signed SB291 and SB1038 into law.”

Asked about her next plans, Mrs. Lund replied, “I’m not stopping. There is much more to do in Arizona to protect children and families. Nationally, I won’t stop until every state is upholding the Constitution in probate matters. Our case led me to meet so many other families, from around the country, with horror stories that cannot be ignored. I have the ability to affect positive change and am determined to do so.”

About 5-14 Protecting Liberty: Founded by Sherry Lund, 5-14 Protecting Liberty is a grassroots coalition of citizens who have experienced abuse, separation from loved ones, the loss of individual liberty, personal property and finances in the probate system. 5-14 Protecting Liberty is dedicated to protecting the rights of all.

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