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Arizona becomes 4th state to ban coyote and other fur-bearing wildlife killing contests

The ban protects animals such as coyotes, bobcats, cougars and foxes from being killed for "entertainment".
A coyote walking on a path. (Photo: KiraGunderson/Thinkstock)

ARIZONA, USA — The state of Arizona moved to bar, what some consider  "barbaric", contests where people kill coyotes or other fur-bearing predators for money and prizes.  

The Governor's Regulatory Review Council unanimously approved a ban on wildlife killing contests in Arizona, Wednesday. 

Arizona is the fourth state to do so.

Some species that are most often targeted are coyotes, bobcats, cougars and foxes, according to animal activists. 

Arizona Department of Game and Fish passed the initial rule to ban contests unanimously back in June. 

California passed a ban in 2014 and was followed by New Mexico and Vermont that banned coyote killing contests. 

The 9th Annual Santa Slay Coyote Calling Tournament was held in Dewey-Humboldt in 2017, according to a Facebook event page

The Arizona ban doesn't apply to lawful hunting of predators or other fur-bearing animals.

The measure will take effect in 60 days.

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