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Scottsdale doctor, experts, emphasize sleep as top activity for health in 2023

Dr. Suneil Jain said skipping out on sleep too often increases risk for more serious health problems.

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Medical experts are urging all of us to put one goal at the top of our New Year’s resolution lists. While eating healthy and getting exercise are very important, experts said getting more sleep is something we should all strive to do. 

Scottsdale's Dr. Suneil Jain said sleep is topping his list for healthy activities to focus on because it's the time our bodies need to regenerate and self-heal. If we skip out on shut eye too often, we’re at a greater risk for serious health problems.

The American Heart Association added sleep to its list of health behaviors people need to improve for cardiovascular health.

Jain teaches patients how to get better sleep year-round in the Valley. He said less sleep means less of a chance for our bodies to recharge our cells the next day. And that puts us in a state of stress, which in turn puts an extra strain on our hearts and the rest of our system.

Jain also said when we are constantly playing catch up on sleep, our bodies are not reprocessing or detoxifying efficiently. Our bodies become overly stressed and we’re not sleeping well, so we enter fight or flight mode. That's a constant state of survival thinking we’re running away from something or at war. 

“It’s almost like you’re filling the garbage can up with garbage and you’re just never taking it out until one day the dam breaks, and that can result in a major health event such as a heart attack or stroke,” Jain said. 

Northwestern University experts said getting enough sleep is one of the best things we can do for health. It’s a powerful tool for physical and mental health. The amount of sleep needed varies from person to person, but most medical experts agree seven to nine hours is average for adults. Children and teens need more.

Research showed sleep consistency is the best for us, rather than playing catch up on our days off. 

To get more restful sleep, Dr. Jain recommended using breathing techniques, avoiding technology before bed and trying meditation and yoga. He encouraged going beyond New Year’s resolutions and instead choosing intent for a healthy lifestyle.

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