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Arizona school district faces bus driver shortage due to COVID-19

COVID-19’s effect on teachers and school staff has been well documented. Now the virus is taking its toll on school bus drivers.

PHOENIX — COVID-19’s effect on teachers and school staff has been well documented. Now the virus is taking its toll on school bus drivers.

The Deer Valley Unified School District announced that they are facing a shortage among its bus drivers. 

But what does this mean for students? 

Some are going to be late to school, as there are more available buses than drivers. 

This is in direct correlation with the spike in COVID-19 cases in our state.

The Deer Valley Unified School District posted a message on its website. It reads, in part: “Some routes will run on time, while others will be combined, causing pick-up and/or drop-off to be 15-30 minutes later than scheduled.”

As drivers pulled out of the bus yard, more than a few remained behind. 

The widespread delays were scheduled for Wednesday, according to the online message. It’s unclear if they will persist.

All of this is in addition to an ongoing teacher shortage across Arizona.

The problem has only worsened this year because of COVID-19, which has prompted more teachers to take a year-long absence or to leave their jobs than in previous years. 

Plus, the virus has deterred substitutes, leaving the state scrambling.

Justin Wing, who is with Arizona School Personnel Administrators Association, said, “So much so, school systems have strong interests in the state looking at changing substitution teacher requirements. Right now -- a substitute teacher is required to have a Bachelors degree.”

All of this -- not to mention virtual learning -- has left many students in a less than ideal learning environment.

Class of 2021: What to expect this school year

This year has certainly changed how we approach education during a pandemic. 

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