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'Jugging' on rise as 84-year-old robbed in driveway in Mesa, police say

The 84-year-old said the suspect opened her car door, pointed a gun at her face and demanded her purse. Police believe he followed her home from the bank.

MESA, Ariz — The Scottsdale Police Department is warning the community about "jugging." 

Police said criminals surveil folks coming and going at local banks and then follow them with the intent of robbing them or breaking into their vehicles searching for cash.

Scottsdale PD posted the warning to Nextdoor and a spokesperson tells 12 News it was meant as an advisory about a national trend.

RELATED: Pima County deputies looking for 'Tinder Swindler' who robbed woman at gunpoint

Sadly, that trend hit Mesa last month.

“It was frightening," said Claudette Jones.

Claudette Jones, 84, was born and raised in Mesa. She cares deeply about her community and decided to open up about the traumatic experience that happened to her hoping it doesn't happen to anyone else.

“I think that the citizens of our city need to be aware of where they're at and what their circumstances are around them," Jones said.

Last month around 1:30 p.m., Claudette stopped by the bank to make a credit card payment. She noticed a car behind her as she made her way home but didn't think much of it.

But when she pulled into her driveway, before she could even get out, the man driving that car was opening her driver's side door.

The whole thing was caught on camera.

“And he said, 'Give me your wallet!' And I said, 'I don't have a lot of money. I said I’m an old lady,'" Claudette said.

But that didn't stop the man from pointing a gun in Claudette's face. She initially put her hand up to push the gun away.

“He just says. 'Listen, I'm desperate.' And he was very forceful," Claudette said. "I don't ever want to go through that.”

The man took Claudette's purse off the passenger seat and took off. She went inside to call the police.

“The detectives took fingerprints off of my car. And it's just scary is scary. But the thing that was remarkable was the whole thing is on tape.”

That tape is a key piece of evidence in the ongoing police investigation as police continue to search for the suspect.

"This isn't right in our society, you know, you work for what you have," Claudette said.

Claudette is hopeful the man who robbed her will get caught however she's just thankful to be okay.

“Well, I had a guardian angel with me I'm sure. I'm a religious lady and I know that I was being protected," Claudette said.

If you think you're being followed, police said to drive to a police station or a busy parking lot. 

Claudette's grandson also recommends you ensure your car doors don't automatically unlock when you put your car in park.

VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL: Roban con pistola en mano a mujer de 84 años en la entrada de su casa en Mesa, dice la policía

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